Monday 21 January 2013

Services provided by Leadoff Management Consultants (P) Ltd.

1. Incorp. @ India – Setting Up

India has, over the last decade, achieved a position of pre-eminence in many spheres of economic activity, most notably in information technology, business process outsourcing, and various other service industries and also increasingly in manufacturing. Doing business in India offers immense benefits for international organizations. India's economy over the last decade looks in many ways like a success story; after a major economic crisis in 1991, followed by bold reform measures, the economy has experienced a rapid economic growth rate, more foreign investment, and a boom in the information technology sector. India is the largest democracy in the world. It ranks second in terms of population.

The policy of liberalization has transformed the prospects for the Indian economy. Today India is one of the favorite destinations for global investments. The major investors in India are Mauritius, Singapore, the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Japan, Germany, etc. The sectors that attracted maximum FDI last year include services (financial and non financial), telecom, housing and real estate, and construction and power.

Our services include:
a. Conceptualization of Business Model
b. Registration, Approval, Permissions & Licenses
c. Feasibility Study and Detailed Project Report (DPR)
d. Fund Raising- Grant, Private Equity, Venture Capital and Angel Funding (DPR)
e. Organization Designing, Structure, Formation (headhunting) of the Senior / Top Management
f. Hand holding to client till the time their business is up in running state with its basics in place

2. Corporate Talent Tracker ( CTT)
People are of paramount importance in the organization.  People comprise the human element of the organization.  People provide the hands that do the work of the organization.  And people lead and manage the organization.  The integrity of any organization, its effectiveness in achieving its purpose and even its continued existence, all depend entirely on the people that comprise it. The people are significant donor in the development of the organization, since every person has unique talent, skills and abilities that are useful for development. Now a days clients don't look for a 'one stop shop' across the spectrum. Instead they go to 'specialists' for hiring needs. While 'Speed' & 'Numbers' may be the mantra for mass hiring; the top end of the market is driven by 'Industry Expertise' & 'The Ability To Engage’.
We have distinct brands to address each segment, to best address specific client needs. We act as a spokesperson between the client and candidate.

a. Global Talent Acquisitions: Identifying and acquiring senior, critical and niche talent through an experienced and diverse team of handpicked consultants who understand complex, dynamic and varied needs of competitive businesses.
b. Volume Hiring - Part time and Full time: Headcount caters to volume hiring needs of client organizations across the industry to address the war for “right” talent at the bottom of the pyramid, which is every organization's biggest challenge today
c. Best suited Executive Search & Head Hunting
d. Expatriate search with expertise in realty, retail, hospitality, telecommunication, healthcare, education, and infrastructure
e. Non Resident Indians – Willing to come back to India
f. Indian professionals with global education, exposure & experience

3People Management Services (PMS)
“Good People management is the most important and challenging skill required in the workplace”
Managing people effectively to release their full potential and enable them to succeed is a key factor for any business. This includes attracting, training and retaining key personnel with the essential skills, abilities and aptitude for the work involved. For any business, a major capital investment is the investment in people – ‘human capital’.

We offer a wide range of services that can support organizations in developing their existing staff to achieve their full potential. We can help you understand people’s motivations and preferred style of working, so you can be confident that you have the right people in the right jobs. We work with individuals too, offering a range of bespoke personal development support that can help you achieve more, whether in a professional or personal capacity.

Our services include:
a. Creating Positions Description, Role Clarity, KRAs & KPIs
b. Organizational structure or restructuring
c. Developing People Practice Manual
d. Benefit and Compensation Survey, Strategy and Management
e. Building HR strategy for Non HR
f. Organization Diagnosis (Audit) -  A method of reviewing various policies and procedures within human resources and other areas of an organization
g. Talent Engagement
h. HR Drivers & Checks:
i. Designing People Practice Manuals
j. Rightsizing (As & when required)

4. Off-shoring Business Activities (OBA)Off shoring is an integral part of the rising tide of globalization. In the past, many developing countries could only really compete in global agricultural markets. Today the ability to provide services, such as IT, accounting, call center work, etc. has a real impact on these countries’ economies. It has opened up opportunities for organizations to utilize skill sets and expertise that they normally would not be able to access without large investments. It has also become a savior to start ups and small businesses which have to work with modest capital.
India’s recent huge economic growth is not solely down to off shoring, but it is an essential factor. To grab the opportunity to begin outsourced the Non-Core business activities of any organization, Leadoff offers an array of service lines in the vertical.:
a. Business Advice and Liaison Services on Retainer-ship
b. Compliance- Education & Management
c. Accounts Management System
d. Payroll Administration & Management
     oGratuity & Superannuation
     oProvident Fund Activities
     oEmployee State Insurance (ESIC) Activities
e. IT Services- Facility Management and AMC
f. Legal Services

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